Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Obama Says He's 'Disappointed' about Amendment One

The Obama campaign had something to say on the subject.

The Washington Blade reports:
The Obama campaign also weighed after the passage of the amendment with a statement from an official in North Carolina.

Cameron French, North Carolina press secretary for Obama for America, said the president is “disappointed” with the passage of Amendment One.

“The President has long opposed divisive and discriminatory efforts to deny rights and benefits to same sex couples,” French said. “He believes the North Carolina measure singles out and discriminates against committed gay and lesbian couples, which is why he did not support it. President Obama has long believed that gay and lesbian couples deserve the same rights and legal protections as straight couples and is disappointed in the passage of this amendment. On a federal level, he has ended the legal defense of the Defense of Marriage Act and extended key benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees.”
We are all disappointed about this.


  1. The Dems should tell Charlotte NC to go to hell and change the venue for their convention!

  2. You got it right when you wrote: "We are all disappointed in this." However, we can't give up now. This type of bigotry needs to energize us all to carry the fight to the next level.
