Friday, May 25, 2012

New Poll: Most Blacks supports Gay Marriage

 Moving forward

A new ABC News-Washington Post poll on Americans' attitudes toward marriage equality is out today, and according to the results, support for marriage equality among Americans has remained consistent at 53 percent.

But the number of African Americans who want to legalize same-sex marriage is even higher, and it seems to be on the rise. Fifty-nine percent of black respondents said that they want to legalize same-sex marriage, and 65 percent favor President Obama’s position on the issue. For the first time, the number of Americans who "strongly" support same-sex marriage (39 percent) also outweighs the number who "strongly" oppose it (32 percent).
This is getting good.


1 comment:

  1. Victor sweety, if you have not already, would you do a post on NOWEDGE2012.COM? I think for we Black LBGT this is beneficial.
