Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mitt Romney addresses Gay Marriage at Liberty University - WATCH


  1. It is between one man and one woman, unless it is my great grandfather, a Mormon zealot who had 12 wives. And, while we are at it, women are possessions, and should stay at home to raise the children. And any homosexual kids should have the gay beaten out of them. If their parents don't do it, other kids must. That is how we handled it back in my day...

  2. Has Selene been draining him? He looks like shat!

  3. With comments like that he might as well support the President of Iran in killing senselessly all those gay men.....

    Where did he get those stats - if you marry before your 1st child there's a 2% chance of one becoming poor? - come on - that makes no sense to me!
