Thursday, May 24, 2012

Jim Parsons is Gay

I was really busy yesterday so I missed this bit of info. Jim Parsons, the star from the geek fave, "Big Bang Theory" has come out in a New York Times article.

Many have talked about Jim's sexuality in the past, but he kind of made it clear at the Golden Globes when he thanked his partner.

Here's more from NYT:
“The Normal Heart” resonated with him on a few levels: Mr. Parsons is gay and in a 10-year relationship, and working with an ensemble again onstage was like nourishment, he said. As the production was ending last summer, he heard that the Roundabout Theater Company was considering a revival of “Harvey” — initially with John C. Reilly under consideration for Elwood — and last November the play’s director, Scott Ellis, asked him and Ms. Hecht to do a private reading of the work in Los Angeles. 

“Jim was solid in ‘The Normal Heart,’ ” Mr. Ellis said, “but his character didn’t really change in the journey of that play, so I wanted to see if Jim could take on a challenge and float a couple of feet off the ground, so to speak, in that magical way Elwood has. And in the reading he was just smart, smart, smart.” 
This is good to see folks coming out and nation moving in the right direction. This has to continue.


  1. Like you, I completely missed this (misery loves company)! Thank you for publishing this great news.

  2. He's one of the ones that never really made a secret about it.
    It just is, and he didn't need to talk about it.
    Still, it's nice to see him out, openly.

  3. His home city of Houston is in SHOCK!!!

    (Not really!)

  4. but he has a husband and already thanked him publically during whatever award show BBT undeservedly won that award for last year, and talked about his husband on Ellen........
