Thursday, May 10, 2012

Interesting Quote: Bristol Palin

In this case, it would’ve been helpful for him to explain to Malia and Sasha that while her friends parents are no doubt lovely people, that’s not a reason to change thousands of years of thinking about marriage.  Or that – as great as her friends may be – we know that in general kids do better growing up in a mother/father home. Ideally, fathers help shape their kids’ worldview.
In this situation, it was the other way around. I guess we can be glad that Malia and Sasha aren’t younger, or perhaps today’s press conference might have been about appointing Dora the Explorer as Attorney General because of her success in stopping Swiper the Fox.
Sometimes dads should lead their family in the right ways of thinking. In this case, it would’ve been nice if the President would’ve been an actual leader and helped shape their thoughts instead of merely reflecting what many teenagers think after one too many episodes of Glee.
This is coming from a girl who got knocked-up after being semi-drunk and had a kid out of wedlock. Girl please, what are you going to say to your child about how he came to be?



  1. FUCK her.

    Pardon my french.

  2. This from a knocked up hillbilly from Alaska. Proud example of abstinence. LMAO!

  3. She's not worth my comment.

  4. The dumbass apple doesn't fall far from the dumbass tree.
