Wednesday, May 30, 2012

The Apostolic Truth Tabernacle in Indiana is where the ‘Ain’t No Homos Gonna Make it to Heaven’ performance took place

As a follow up to the child singing, ‘Ain’t No Homos Gonna Make it to Heaven’ in Church. I received some info on where this church is and the pastor's name.

Apostolic Truth Tabernacle and the Pastor is Jeff Sangl

The church is in Greensburg, Indiana

Also here is their contact info: The Pastor's email

And the church numbers
(765) 525-9488
(812) 662-8224

They need to know that their actions are unacceptable 


  1. These Christian extremists are behaving in a most unchristian manner. After the recent sermons from North Carolina, it seems as though the race is on as to which one can best the other. They should pause and take the time to actually read their Bibles.

  2. Where in the hell is Carrie White when you need her?

  3. Holy S**t! WTF? Is this a church for closeted homos? I just looked at the photo again for the third time. It appears the audience is all male. Did anyone else notice this?
