Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Anti-Gay Pastor Sean Harris wants the Gay to be ‘Squash’ out of Kids - LISTEN

In North Carolina, hatred in Christian clothing continues to be present. This hater name Pastor Sean Harris had some messy things to say about what parents should do with their gay kids.

Jeremy at GoodAsYou has Sean's hate sermon word for word:
"So your little son starts to act a little girlish when he is four years old and instead of squashing that like a cockroach and saying, “Man up, son, get that dress off you and get outside and dig a ditch, because that is what boys do,” you get out the camera and you start taking pictures of Johnny acting like a female and then you upload it to YouTube and everybody laughs about it and the next thing you know, this dude, this kid is acting out childhood fantasies that should have been squashed. 

Can I make it any clearer? Dads, the second you see your son dropping the limp wrist, you walk over there and crack that wrist. Man up. Give him a good punch. Ok? You are not going to act like that. You were made by God to be a male and you are going to be a male. And when your daughter starts acting to Butch you reign her in. And you say, “Oh, no, sweetheart. You can play sports. Play them to the glory of God. But sometimes you are going to act like a girl and walk like a girl and talk like a girl and smell like a girl and that means you are going to be beautiful. You are going to be attractive. You are going to dress yourself up.” 

You say, “Can I take charge like that as a parent?”
Yeah, you can. You are authorized. I just gave you a special dispensation this morning to do that.
Listen to this mess after the jump


  1. This shows just how far the Christian extremists are spiraling out of control. They are now abandoning the tenets of their faith for their own twisted thoughts. Sick doesn't even begin to describe these hypocrites.

  2. white!... what!?
