Thursday, April 12, 2012

Sean Hannity could be in some trouble over Zimmerman

Oh Snap, Hannity could be in some heat because of his convo with Zimmerman.

Think Progress has some info on this drama.
Under Florida Law, there is a “qualified privilege” for journalists that protects their conversations with sources. But this priviledge can be overcome, per Florida Evidence Code 90.5015:
A party seeking to overcome this privilege must make a clear and specific showing that:
(a) The information is relevant and material to unresolved issues that have been raised in the proceeding for which the information is sought;
(b) The information cannot be obtained from alternative sources; and
(c) A compelling interest exists for requiring disclosure of the information.
Here’s how Hannity described his conversation with George Zimmerman:
Now yesterday I was contacted by an individual that we in fact believe was George Zimmerman. He reached out to me, we spoke on the phone about his case, and I agreed not to report on the contents of that conversation.
Lave said that, in her opinion, the qualified privilege could “easily” be overcome under Florida law because Zimmerman’s statements about the incident are “relevant and material to unresolved issues.” Further, there are no “alternative sources” for his statements to Hannity and there is a compelling interest for disclosure in a potential manslaughter case.
So, Hannity may have testify. That would be fun to watch him squirm.


  1. It's like Easter and Halloween and Thanksgiving and Christmas all on the same day! :)

  2. Why do you think he would squirm? He would just answer the questions matter-of-factly and be done with it. He's not the one who did anything wrong.

  3. All too often, our words somehow manage to return and bite us on our ass! Good to see this happen, again!
