Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Question of the Day

Hey all, I need your help. Please tell me which pic you like. I'm in a stand still in choosing an artist.

Which pic catches your eye?

                                        One                                                          Two


  1. I really like that artist Two shows the character with a range of emotions. While both are talented, artist Two shows more maturity and an awareness of what you will need your artist to do for you.

  2. For some reason the second one, maybe because it seems more commercial.

  3. I will be the Odd Gay Out because I prefer Numero Uno.

  4. #1 at first look seems more sexual, #2 more innocent and leaning towards Japanese Animi (is that right?)

    If I look at just the face on #1 and compare it to #2, I also like #1 bette. He seems a bit more unique. I've seen #2 before and I don't read comic books.

    Maybe if #1 soften up the body, not so built and with a higher bmi index.

  5. I think number one Vik. It's a nice balance of a more animated look that maintains it's masculinity. Number one looks like a 17-20 year old. Number two looks like he's 14-16. Which is more accurate to your character? Number two feels very young, softer, less serious and kinda feminine. Not that there's anything wrong with that, it just doesn't match the feeling of the character design artwork you've posted up to this point.

    Question, any reason you aren't going with one of the artist's you posted previously? In all honesty I liked their artwork better than both of these guys.

    Also, the anime look may limit your audience. I know a lot of guys who just aren't interested in that look. Plus there's this whole subset of women who are into gay anime erotica/porn. But gay guys tend to not be fans of that kind of stuff. Number tow looks like what that kind of art. Just my two cents!! It all depends on what you want to do!

  6. Hi all, thanks for your feedback. I really needed your help.

    Wilson, Dwayne wasn't available for a full book, but I do love his work.

  7. I like one more. Just keep on him to keep his proportions. The seated figure's right leg is doing something that just doesn't seem right. But the face and hair has me going. Also, tell him to keep working those feet!

    #2 is well #2... looks like Disney's Aladdin was kicked in the back of the head by a mule...

  8. @fetababy do you mean our left his right? His calves and ankles are bending like they are made of rubber a bit. It's got an unnatural curve to it.

  9. I like the one on the left or number one better. Reminds me a bit of John Singer-Sargent's drawings.

  10. @ Wilson,

    The figure's right leg. Now that I'm looking at it a bit more the angle of the thigh in relation to the pelvis is off. Following the line of his torso and waist, and expecting a bit of a twist is fine. But the top of the thigh is drawn in a above the elbow. That does bring the torso forward a bit but not enough to explain the angle of the leg nor the size. Same leg, calf... looks like a turkey leg from the ren. faire... He's built, we get it. But there is a bone there. The bone goes in front and the muscle in the back. Definition lines to the side... Which brings us to the ankle... proportionately according to the size of the hand appears to be stretched out about 6-7 inches. This is done to hide the foot behind the other ankle and avoid drawing in toe details.

    That's cool and all, feet and hands are tricky as hell, but instead of fucking up the limbs to hide it, slap on a pair of flip-flops, kick out the leg, and give us a sole view perspective. All we need then is a basic kidney shoe shape and maybe a sliver foot on top...

    And depending on shoulder sloop and leg angles you still get that broody loafer yet alert right under the surface look.

    IMO... :)
