Thursday, April 5, 2012

NOM wants a Federal Investigation of the HRC and the IRS

Continuing their case for losing battles, NOM now wants a federal investigation of the HRC and the IRS for their "leak" tax info.

Here's Brian Brown whining on their website:
"It appears that someone with either the IRS or the HRC may have committed a federal crime by illegally obtaining and then releasing a confidential tax return of the National Organization for Marriage," said Brian Brown, NOM's president. "It's clear that the tax return was stolen, either from NOM or from the government. The Huffington Post article says that HRC claimed they received the document from a ‘whistleblower.' But the term ‘whistleblower' is completely inapt. We're talking about a criminal who has stolen confidential tax return information. We demand to know who this criminal is, whether they work for the HRC or the IRS, and how they obtained confidential tax information filed only with the US government."

It is illegal for a government official or employee to make use of or publicly release a taxpayer's tax return. The form 990 Schedule B is submitted by nonprofit groups to the IRS and includes information on donor identity, including name, address and contribution amount. While federal law requires that nonprofit groups make their form 990 filings available for public inspection, the law provides that Schedule B information—the name and address of the contributor—is redacted, leaving only the amount given and the date of the donation as publicly-available information. Here, the un-redacted Schedule B was somehow obtained by the HRC. That information could only have come from the IRS itself, or have been stolen from NOM.

"I would like to know what the HRC knew and when did they know it," Brown said. "It certainly appears that either the HRC was involved in illegally obtaining this tax return themselves, or they worked with a criminal who stole it from NOM or the IRS. Either way, it appears that a federal crime may have been committed."
Child, please! Y'all are busted, get over it.


  1. Having been involved in setting up and helping set up a number of 501(c)3 and 501(c)4's, I seem to recall you had no expectation to privacy since the ostensible purposes of the 501(c) were to further the public good.

    So NOM is barking up the wrong tree here.

  2. NOM needs to deal with the fact that their hate is showing.
