Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Poll: Concerns about Marriage Equality ranks Last with Voters

In a new Pew Research Center for the People & the Press poll, marriage equality came in last on voters' priorities list.

Not a huge surprise, since the economy and healthcare are the big heavy hitters. But this sends a message to those who believes gay marriage is a concern. In fact, most social issues ranked very low.

Here's more on this issue:
Immigration and gay marriage have slipped as voting priorities among Republican voters. About half of Republican voters (47%) say the issue of immigration will be very important to their vote; in 2010, 64% rated immigration as very important and in 2008 63% did so. Immigration also has fallen in importance among independents. Only about four-in-ten (37%) independent voters now view the issue as very important, down 23 points from August 2010.

The percentage 0f GOP voters viewing gay marriage as very important has fallen 13 points, from 49% to 36%, since August 2004. There has been far less change in opinions among Democrats and independents, who have consistently rated this lower in importance than have Republicans.
This is good.


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, I think if I was unemployed, or faced with losing my home, watching wars rage around the globe, and not having health care, I'd be focusing all my efforts on the candidate who wanted to keep Adam and Steve from getting married. {sarcasm font}
