Monday, April 16, 2012

The DOs and DON'Ts on being a Gay Activist

This gay activist stuff is no joke. I had no idea what I was getting into; but I can't complain, it's been an interesting experience. Free trips, meeting great folks and getting great opportunities, it's truly been rewarding.

But I thought I would share some nuggets of info for those who are thinking about getting into the activist game.

DO know where you stand on the issues and stand firm.
DON'T just follow other activists blindly, they can and will be wrong at times.
DO research all causes, laws and lawmakers.
DON'T accept any word, without proof of truth.
DO realize that your views may not be popular.
DON'T kiss ass to be popular. Many activists try anything to get the attention of the JoeMyGods out there. Just be yourself and stand firm with your beliefs.
DO know the gay right fight is long and tedious.
DON'T think our civil rights can completed in a presidential term.
DO know the political game.
DON'T be naive about politics.
DO know how to be strategic.
DON'T go all in without plan B & C.
DO know who and what your fighting.
DON'T fight everyone and every battle.
DO have an open mind.
DON'T suffer from tunnel vision and group think.
DO remember it's about our community.
DON'T make it all about you.

Okay, that's my 3 cents.

1 comment:

  1. Great suggestions and so very true! Thank you for being an advocate and educator!
