Saturday, March 10, 2012

Question of the Day

I often wonder why do gays love artist like Madonna, Gaga and Britney, but don't show the same type of love to true gay artists?

My friend Howard always showcase some of the best gay artists out there on his blog, but many gays couldn't tell you anything about them.

Why is that? Why are we not supporting them like Gaga?


  1. Thanks for the shout out, and I wish I had an answer for your question. So many gay artists struggling to be heard, while many in our community line up behind the latest "diva du jour". There is so much excellent music being made by LGBT artists in every genre that deserve to be heard and supported.

  2. cuz a lot of gay artist play music even worse than Gaga's. I lot of thump-heavy, electronic club music with horrible lyrics about hiding and joining hearts and shadows and darkness.

    The few with actual talent don't have the media support of Gaga and crew because they aren't "pop" material.
