Saturday, March 3, 2012

Kirk Cameron believes Homosexuality is "It's detrimental, and ultimately destructive." - WATCH

Why, Kirk, WHY?


  1. Who is checking for Kirk Cameron these days? No one I know is missing him or says, "Hey whatever happened to Kirk Cameron. I wish he'd do more stuff."

    I'll say this at the end of he day he puts himself out there as a devout Christian, and his response was no surprise at all.

    He can have his beliefs and opinions like we all do, just don't get in the way of my civil and human rights. If you do, then we have a problem.

  2. Saying stuff like that is typical of guys on the DL, isn't it?

  3. Because he's always been a proselytizing jerk once he left Growing Pains. That's why.

  4. Beauty's only skin deep! Yeah Yeah Yeah! Oooooh!!! Beauty's only skin deep! Oh YEAH!!!

    Let this one go Vik. I know you have better childhood crushes!
