Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Jury is Deliberating the case of Dharun Ravi

The jury are deliberating in the trial of Dharun Ravi today. Ravi is accused of committing a hate crime for spying on his gay roommate, Tyler Clementi.
Superior Court Judge Glenn Berman charged the 15-member jury this morning for about an hour and a half, then three alternates were randomly chosen. Two men and a woman were chosen as alternates, leaving five men and seven women to deliberate.

Ravi faces 15 counts of bias intimidation, invasion of privacy, and tampering with evidence and a witness.

Ravi can only be found guilty of the bias intimidation counts — meaning he targeted his roommate, Tyler Clementi, based on his sexual orientation — if he is found guilty of the accompanying invasion of privacy charges. 
They end at 4pm, if they don't reach a decision today, they are back at it tomorrow.


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