Monday, March 12, 2012

Is the DNC LGBT Caucus Divided on a Marriage Equality Platform?

Not all in the DNC are ready to make marriage equality a part of the Democratic Party platform. According Gayapolis, the house is divided:
Members of the Democratic National Committee's LGBT Caucus reportedly were divided in an off-the-record conference call on Feb. 27 over whether to take an official position calling for a marriage equality plank in the Democratic Party platform, according to gay Democratic activist Paul Yandura.

Yandura and two other sources, who spoke on condition that they are not identified, said they have heard conflicting reports on which caucus members support or oppose taking a position on a marriage equality plank at this time.
Washington Blade continues the story here. My view is it may not be a platform until the election is over. With economy and the WOW (War On Women) campaign flying high, the Dems may keep that on the forefront.

However, I could be wrong.

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