Thursday, March 15, 2012

Idiots in Mississippi & Alabama want Interracial Marriage to be Illegal

The deep South is a mess! After revealing how silly they are about Obama being a Muslim, they go a little deeper.

They still think interracial marriage should be illegal.
On Monday, polling firm Public Policy Polling (PPP) revealed that 29 percent of likely GOP voters surveyed in Mississippi believe that interracial marriage should be illegal. Fifty-four percent said intermarriage should remain legal, and the rest responded that they weren't sure. The survey also found that 21 percent of likely GOP voters polled in Alabama believe that interracial marriage should be illegal.
Sometimes, I wonder if these folks are fit to be Americans.



  1. Small wonder given the recent voting results from the GOP primaries there. Old ways evidently do die a painful and slow death.

  2. Considering twenty-five cents of every tax dollar us Californians pay goes toward these Southern states, I'd be happy if they follow through on the secession threat one of these days.
