Monday, March 12, 2012

Gingrich says TV show GCB is anti-Christian

This is why this bitch won't be president. Newt the Hut loves to talk and right now, he's talking about ABC's GCB.

He said:

"Here's to show you the biases of the elite media, look at the new show that's on that has the word 'Christian' in it and I want you to take the exact name, drop out Christian and put in Muslim. And ask yourself, is there any network that would have dared to run a show like that and you know the answer is not a one because anti-Christian bigotry is just fine in the entertainment industry but they have to be very protective of Islam."
Ho please, you cheated on your wives. You are anti-Christian. 



  1. Hey Newt?
    Pot.Kettle.Shut the fuck up.

  2. Remember the wisdom from a man who lived long ago: "Let he who is free from sin cast the first stone." Someone tell this man to duck! He's one of the targets!

  3. I'm so not paying that basic bitch no mind at all.

  4. It's not about Newt. I know it is easy to be distracted by his personal life but what he said about our culture can be supported historically. Is it possible for Newt haters to see through the filth and put weight to his words?
