Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Feds will Investigate Murder of Trayvon Martin

After the outcries of injustice and tons of questions, the feds are getting involved in the Trayvon Martin case.

USA Today reports:
The Justice Department said in a statement late Monday that the FBI and the U.S. Attorney's Office will join in the agency's investigation.

"The department will conduct a thorough and independent review of all the evidence and take appropriate action at the conclusion of the investigation," the agency said.
The sh*t just got serious and it needs to. The Sanford cops are handling this poorly and their actions are sending a horrible message to the nation. If the Feds finds fault in the Sanford PD, then you know there's going to be smoke in the city.

More to come.


  1. He truly fucked up when he kept following Trayvon after the cops told him not to do that. Once he kept pursuing the boy, Zimmerman became the threat.

  2. This "Stand your ground" law in Florida is license to kill!
    Poor kid didn't stand a chance.

  3. I really feel for the parents and loved ones of this boy. I pray that they put Zimmerman up under the jail and leave him there. I fear for my son and ny nephews everytime they leave their home, for situations just like this. We are born with targets on our backs and on our foreheads. It makes me so upset. I don't know what I'd do if my son or nephew was shot and killed while going to the store. It's such a helpless feeling. Ok, before I get upset--- I'm done.

  4. This man iz so sick how could u kill a baby zimmerman should have been in jail but if it was the other way around trayvon would have been in prison that's not right how some people still raciest this case need to be over wit in zimmerman need to be put behind bars death sentence
