Sunday, March 18, 2012

10 Random Life Stuff about Me

  1. If I went to prison, I would want the hottest guy there.
  2. I will drop $150 on jeans, but I will not pay my parking tickets on time.
  3. I have a real smart mouth.
  4. I hate on Madonna and Rihanna, but deep down, I like frivolous music.... Just not theirs.
  5. This year is my 20th High School reunion. So, I have to stay cute until September.
  6.  I hurt my back lifting weights on Friday. That little injury took me out of Saturday, but I hope it won't keep me from the gym today.
  7. My crush on Keifer Sutherland has not changed in 25 years.
  8. I'm watching more reality shows than scripted shows... That's not good.
  9. I consider myself 40 even though I'm 38.
  10. We need a new couch. I hate the one we have right now.


Bob said...

Numbers 3 and 4.
I'm right there with you.

Daddy Squeeze Me! said...

are you trying to get your muscle bound look going? or that lean runner's look?

Anonymous said...

3, 4 and 10 sound just like me.

Anonymous said...

I need a new couch too. I really had my heart set on a Setti, but when i find them they are so damn expensive.
And I want a light color fabric... but with my nieces & nephew, that just won't work.
And I like to eat on the couch too.
And I would like to do other things on the new couch... so i guess i need leather... something I can clean.

Daij said...

#1 made me laugh! I have a white step brother in jail ( he's 19) and the evening he got there the other brothas were on him like velcro, and a couple even fought over him1 LOL

#2- I am so there with you on this.
3-I do as well, but I only use it when i can get away with it.
#5- Sounds like me, just before I go on vacations!
#9 thisyear i'll be 50. I will claim 49 for the next few years. why do you consider yourself to be older?
#4 I have to admit i love old school rap, r&b and john coltrane and miles davis, and prince,but i do love me some madonna- her older music that is.

I like this blog posting.

The Stuff

My photo
Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.