Friday, February 17, 2012

The Truth about Poor Republicans

Poor Republicans are a weird bunch. They vote for the folks that keep them poor, time and time again. But now, we might know the reason. The Pew Research Center has some answers:

In a Pew Research Center survey conducted in early October, 57% of lower-income Republican and Republican-leaning voters said the government does too little for poor people. Just 18% said it does too much.

By contrast, higher-income Republicans took the opposite view; by roughly two-to-one (44% to 21%) Republicans with incomes of $75,000 or more said the government does too much, not too little, for poor people.

This is not to say that lower-income Republicans have a better view of the federal government generally. They are just as distrustful of government and angry at government these days as are higher-income Republicans. But in a December 2011 poll, lower-income Republicans expressed a decidedly different view about the fairness of the economic system than did those with higher incomes. 
Interesting, right? The Dems are trying to save the poor and they... They join the Tea Party, the group who consistently vote against their own interests. And, they are mad at the government for not caring enough? Somebody give me a drink while I try to understand this mess.

1 comment:

  1. If I had a drink for everything that didn't make sense about Republicans my liver would have been pickled years ago.
