Tuesday, February 14, 2012

There will be no "Repeal Prop 8" Initiative in 2012... And that's a Good thing

Finally, Love Honor Cherish came to their senses and dropped this crazy quest to put gay marriage back on the ballot in California.

This is from their press release:
Following last week’s victory in the 9th Circuit, we are now hopeful that weddings of gay and lesbian couples will resume by the end of this year, or even, at the end of this month. And what an incredible day that will be when gays and lesbians are able to marry again in California! 

In the meantime, our “backup plan” to put the repeal of Prop 8 on the ballot this November is no longer feasible. Although we have had success so far – our wonderful volunteers, significant donor commitments, our campaign office, and support from numerous leaders and organizations around the state – collecting the 807,615 valid signatures required will likely not happen by mid-April as required to qualify for the November 2012 ballot.

We would need more than $1.5 million in donor commitments to hire a paid signature gathering firm to assist us in this massive effort. In view of the 9th Circuit victory and the narrowness of the ruling, making Supreme Court review less likely, raising the additional funds needed is now not realistic. And, as we have stated, we had no illusions that the initiative could qualify based solely on our statewide volunteer signature gathering effort.
Please... They have tried this before and failed in 2010. They also stepped on several toes during that process, however it seemed they didn't learn from their mistakes. So they decided to go at it again, on their own. Many organizations said "no" to their idea. We had research proving that this was not the best time, besides the people wasn't excited about putting marriage on the ballot.

Still, they felt it was their duty to bring gay marriage back to Cali-Cal. But I think they finally realized they were taking on something super big. It was no way they could get 1 million signatures by April, let alone raise over a million dollars for this initiative. Many of us knew this was a fool's game, I just wished LHC did as well.

They should have listened to the people instead of their egos.


  1. C'mon California, I know you have it in you to do what's right and to hop on the bandwagon.

    Later today I have a post about the inevitability of Same Sex marriage; that inevitability would certainly speed up if a state like CA joined the 7 others who now have declared same sex marriage legal: MA, CT, NH, VT, NY IA, WA

    Waiting for you to join the 21st century California.

    With love,
    MA, CT, NH, VT, NY IA, WA (and D.C.)

  2. Hey BosGuy, are you gonna pay for the $1.5 million to get the Repeal Prop 8 measure on the ballot and then the i inevitable $20-50 million to get it passed, while we are also trying to get Tammy Baldwin elected to the Senate from Wisconsin and defend marriage equality in WA and MD?

    Didn't think so.
