Monday, February 6, 2012

Should Roland S. Martin be Fired? No.

Earlier, I posted Roland's tweet about smacking a dude if he's excited about David Beckham's underwear. Since then, gay activists and Roland has been going back and forth on Twitter and beyond. He claims it was a joke, but refuses to see how it could be harmful.

Now GLAAD wants him to be fired:
“Martin has a history of anti-LGBT views. GLAAD is calling on him to be fired, joining many other LGBT activists and bloggers,”
 So far, CNN hasn't respond, but when I thought about it, this may be a bit much.

Yes, Roland was wrong and his weak apology on his website ain't cute either; however, this doesn't render Roland to be fired. For one, he wasn't at his job, he was at home. If he was on CNN running his mouth on TV, then yes, kick him out. But he was at home, off the clock.

Second reason, the statement was not directly advocating violence against gays. The statement was loose and far tamed than many things we have seen against us. However, it was not okay and Roland needs to seriously think about what he said.

So to wrap this up; I believe he should be seriously reprimanded, but I can't see this as a reason for Roland to be fired.

Please let me know what you think.


  1. Civil rights was ment to protect black folks and it seems something is very wrong. Just how did gays get grandfathered in the civil rights? Hell! the things white folks say there wouldn't be any body one tv. I see why a lot of straights can't stand us ,some of you are trying to control everything and everybody. Fuck off!

  2. Roland is just hating cuz his fat ass wouldn't look good in those Beckham briefs. Seriously though his remarks were insensitive but not worth the call to be fired. Folks do need to let dawg know his statments could be construed as homophobic.


  3. I feel the same way--his tweet wasn't viciously anti-gay, but has the potential to be harmful and his excuse was very weak. But I don't think it's worthy of being canned from CNN.

  4. Roland might've felt his dick get hard after seeing David and lashed out to cover him self.
