Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Santorum's Press Secretary gets caught saying Obama has "Radical Islamic Policies", Now says she Misspoke - WATCH

Miss Girl had some fried foot yesterday. Please watch as this heifer, Alice, buried her career with the corpses.

Girl, get your resume together.


  1. I find it stunning that a candidate like Santorum can be considered a frontrunner. It is a sign of how out of step the Republican Party is with the US. How can a candidate like Santorum reasonably expect to win in a general election?

  2. I do not get along with caucasian women. This fucking CUNT brings back bad memories.

  3. She looks like a man in the face. Oh, and pure evil.

  4. I thought the black guy in the interview (Donavan) was kind of cute. Is he gay? He triggered my gaydar, but I'm still uncertain.
