Sunday, February 5, 2012

Romney Wins Nevada

Mittens won Nevada very easy last night; and the funny thing is, this was suppose to be Newt's town. Remember, this is the home Newt's sugar daddy donor, Sheldon Adelson.

This should've been his state... Oh well.


  1. Poor Newt.
    Nobody likes him.
    Right now, nobody really likes him.

  2. Personally, I find Romney perhaps one degree less horrible than Newt the Fruit. Other than that, within the GOP there's very little to differentiate the candidates. Their basic theme is essentially to permit the rich to get richer, to deny equality to the gay community and to end the women's right to choose. It looks like a reproduction of their platform for 2008.

  3. When ever I see frankenmoney aka Mitt, i hear that song in my head called For the love of money by the O Jays.
