Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pat Robertson thinks "Twilight" is Demonic

Pat Robertson said on his Crazy People's show "The 700 Club," that movies like "Twilight" are evil and demonic. In fact, he claimed that one of the films caused a girl to be possessed by a demon. Personally, it probably made her horny.

Anywho, this is what Robertson said:
"Yes, I think those vampire movies are evil," Robertson said. "There are no vampires, the whole thing is demonic, and it may give you some kind of thrill -- whee! -- of the spooky, supernatural, but it opens the door to the occult."
Oh Pat, please get a frakking clue.



  1. Is this whacko still on the air? He's still alive? He still have followers? Now that's scary!

  2. He is an insane old coot. But then, you always have to remember that he CHOSE to be a preacher because he saw the dollars that could be made ministering to his flock.

    And I see blogger still has not addressed the OpenID and Capcha issue. I can be found at - come on over, the water is fine!

  3. That's funny, because I think Robertson is demonic.

  4. Being a Christian I know he believes in demons, how far removed from a demon is a vampire really?? Why believe in one but not the other?
