Friday, February 3, 2012

New Video: Madonna - "Give Me All Your Luvin"

Okay, I'm going to be honest... This is NOT the business! It's like a bad mix of "Holla Back Girl" and "Mickey".

Madonna is very capable of stellar work, so I wished she could've actually given us something better than this.

Anywho, here it is


  1. I found it a bit boring. Not crazy about the song, either.

  2. very boring; dulled down recycle of Beautiful Stranger. I really wanted her to burst back on the scene with something Music caliber and show us all how she is still the one, especially after her arrogant trash talk towards Gaga.
    Not that she was wrong that Gaga ripped her off, it was just the way she said it. Lady has been living on that English country estate too long- she needs to move back to NYC and reconnect.

  3. Uggghhh...Meh. Sounds like a leftover track from "Music"

  4. S-U-C-K Madonna!

    I hated this song and couldn't watch the video past the thirty second mark.

  5. When did Jan Brewer make a video?

  6. She totally phoned that one in!
    Really? Cheerleaders? That's SO been done a million times!

    Personally, I think any song that so flagrantly repeats the artists name is a bit pathetic.

  7. Madonna has amazing depths of talent, so I was hoping for something original and fantastic like Rain or Vogue, or sexy fun like Express Yourself or Cherish.

    This video and song is just bleh. To use her own term, it seems very reductive.

    What happened to the powerhouse that used to be Madonna?
