Monday, February 6, 2012

Interesting Tweet: Roland S Martin

During the Super Bowl, Roland tweeted this:
This didn't go well and several gays called him out him on Twitter. Roland claimed he was telling a joke, but it wasn't funny at all. Now GLAAD is involved, so I'm sure this is only the beginning of the drama.

What do y'all think of this?


  1. Beating someone up is funny?

    Don't think so.

  2. I think it's mild compared to stuff I hear in real life, but what's with his word choice? Do straight men use the phrase smack the ish?

  3. There was no joke at all and his excuse about soccer is laughable at best. Fire him!!

  4. I did not like the joke but the reaction is extreme. Obligatory apologize but he should not be fired.

  5. Count me out, you cocksuckers are getting too sensitive, OKAY!
    I like Roland. I wouldn't sleep with him but come on guys REALLY???!

  6. the tweet was a stupid joke, he shouldn't have been suspended for that but his view and other things he's said on his show are much more harmful. And now his supporters will just use his current suspension as ammo against "power hungry gays" or whatever
