Saturday, February 18, 2012

Interesting Quote: Rep. Maxine Waters

"I saw pictures of Boehner and Cantor on our screens. Don't ever let me see again, in life, those Republicans in our hall, on our screens, talking about anything. These are demons. These are legislators who are destroying this country rather than bringing us together, creating jobs, making sure we have a good tax policy, bringing our jobs from back offshore, incentivizing those who keep their jobs here. They are bringing down this country, destroying this country, because they can."
 Maxine was speaking at a California Democratic Party convention


  1. Maxine is one of the few public officials who have the guts to tell it like it is. Good for her!

  2. My favorite quote from her: "The Tea Party can go straight to hell!"


  3. Maxine is right on the Mark, these Republicans today car nothing for this country, only tax breaks for their rich friends. In their view the rest of us can go to hell. They can go to hell. Give it to them Maxine!
