Saturday, February 4, 2012

Glee FAIL: Ricky Martin's 'Sexy and I Know It' - VIDEO

This is not cute. I like Ricky, but this is Cheesy McMess!

I'm taking a collection to save Ricky Martin's career.


  1. He doesn't look well. Does he have the bug?

  2. Oh. My. God.

    I LOVE Glee, and I am accustomed to a certain level of cheesiness, but DAMN! This is a mess.

  3. When my friend died of AIDS i asked what killed him and it seems many repiied AIDS and that was the wrong answer to me. AIDS in a sense bust's your force field and you catch stuff easy.
    Like the common cold and kill you if you have AIDS.

  4. this is more embarrasing than Living La Vida Loca. Who the hell is that kinda white looking girl? And that ginger? Actually don't tell me I don't need to know anything about how more horrible this show has gotten

  5. what are you guys smoking??? he was awesome!!!
