Sunday, January 1, 2012

Who's to Blame for Rick 'Jethro' Perry Major Campaign Fail?

Remember when Rick Perry was going to run the GOP campaign? The minute we heard that 'Jethro' was entering the GOP candidate race, it was suppose to wrapped up and sealed in his favor.

Well, that never happened; in fact, it was a mega fail. Now, Jethro's team is scrambling like eggs to get it together.

But who's the blame? Politico has some info on this drama:

Perry’s steep plunge from front-runner to butt of jokes was chiefly the result of his own embarrassing verbal stumbles, most notably his insta-classic “oops” moment when he couldn’t recall the names of the cabinet departments he wants to eliminate.

Yet the view of the outsiders who took over Perry’s campaign is that the candidate was set up for failure by an insular group led by Dave Carney, the governor’s longtime political guru, which thought they could run a presidential campaign like a larger version of a gubernatorial race and didn’t take the basic steps needed to professionalize the operation until the candidate already was sinking.

“They put the campaign together like all the other Perry campaigns: raise a bunch of money, don’t worry about the [media coverage], don’t worry about debates and buy the race on TV,” said a top Perry official. “You have to be a total rube to think a race for president is the same as a race for governor.”

Because Perry had never been defeated in his career in state politics — and came from behind to crush Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison in last year’s Texas gubernatorial primary — his Texas operation projected an air of supreme self-assurance and indifference to outside advice.
It sounds like a bunch egos crashed and burned, leaving Jethro in the dust. I guess they realized what worked in Texas doesn't work in the real world.


  1. The democrats got Perry in office and he switched over to republicans, Americans don't like people who can't make up their minds.

  2. It doesn't hurt that he's an idiot who can't even remember what he stands for! He can't follow simple rules of debate and let the other person talk. He doesn't have any facts to back up any of his silly arguments or ideas. You would think he would be perfect for the GOP! But alas. Stupid is as stupid does.

  3. Well Perry is a himbo if you really think about it. Moroever, when you go out into deeper waters and the bigger ocean, it gets very complicated.

  4. Perry was a D student and Bush was a C student.
