Sunday, January 15, 2012

What is it with this Gay Tebow Obsession?

Okay, okay! Let's just put it out on the table... Tim Tebow is cute. Hot in the boy who looks good in a torn, sleeveless T-shirt while doing your yard work kind of way. But how did he become this Sex Virgin God of the Gays?

To be fair, we always talked about how hot he is. But recently that notion hit a new level of madness. It started with the kissing video (Yes, I posted it) 
Then some gay activists were begging Tim to do an 'It Gets Better' video. I'm not making this up, they even had a petition with 8,000 signatures, pushing for Tim and his team to do it.

A month later, this video surfaced.

Some folks seriously thought that it was a sign and believed he was gay.

But newsflash folks, He's Not! And the sad truth is if Tim was ugly, many gays wouldn't be carrying on like this.

I understand why straight folks lose their minds over Tim, but why are we losing it? Is his hotness that powerful? Is he a reborn Caligula? Who knows, but this Tebow obsession is really taking flight in the Gay community.


  1. I think a lot of people in the Gay community find validation in the coming out of celebrities. One has to admit, watching the response of the religious right to the outing of their "poster child" would be delicious, not that it would change their closed-minded views one little bit. They would simply turn on their former hero as a fallen angel and crucify him as they have done so many others.

    Personally, I wouldn't wish the pain and emotion of coming out upon anyone, although I would encourage them to do it in order to cross over into the freedom and joy that living the truth can bring.

    Still, it would be delicious.....

  2. I don't know, from the one video I saw my Gaydar meter was beeping like crazy.

  3. I'm totally confused...isn't this the same guy whose mother made the anti-gay commercial that was controversial??

  4. Gays are their worst enemy,lusting after a man who is pure in heart tells me something is very wrong here.

  5. When you let the Christ into your life it comes and lives inside you kinda reminds me of the Phoenix Force. Parts of you die and the Christ force lives through you. When this happens people are drawn to you and you them in a big way. ........I seem to have been stooped by something..........
