Friday, January 6, 2012

Rick Santorum called out on his Homophobia by N.H. Students

Rick needs to say out of colleges. Yesterday in New Hampshire, Rick got testy with students over his views about marriage equality.
A group of college students hosting Rick Santorum today closely questioned the socially conservative presidential candidate over his views on gay rights and ended the lively session by booing him as he left the stage.

Warning the students several times to keep their comments civil, Santorum openly debated audience members at a convention sponsored by New England College, in Henniker. Many in the audience disagreed with Santorum’s staunch opposition to marriage rights for homosexuals. They grew especially agitated when Santorum resorted to a common conservative argument of social conservatives -- equating gay marriage with polygamy.
See here


1 comment:

  1. He is just bringing up polygamy because he knowns that Romney's family supports it.
