Thursday, January 19, 2012

Oh Snap! Newt Gingrich's Ex-Wife will give an interview on ABC

Ooooh, the truth is about to be told! Newt's ex-wife will give a 'naaasty' interview on ABC.

The Drudge Report leaked this info early and everyone picked up on it.

Here's is the scoop from HuffPo:
ABC staffers were caught by surprise at the news, telling The Huffington Post that if there was a "civil war," they hadn't heard about it. That doesn't mean there wasn't any debate among ABC executives over when to air the interview, but simply that the war certainly wasn't raging through the newsroom.
It also looks like the interview will air before Saturday's South Carolina primary after all. One ABC insider said that the Gingrich interview, conducted with Brian Ross, will likely air on Thursday's "Nightline."

Marianne Gingrich, the former Speaker's second wife, of 18 years, hasn't been shy about her feelings toward her ex-husband's presidential ambitions, telling Esquire in 2010 that there's "no way."

"He could have been president," she said. "But when you try and change your history too much, and try and recolor it because you don't like the way it was or you want it to be different to prove something new ... you lose touch with who you really are. You lose your way."

"He believes that what he says in public and how he lives don't have to be connected," Gingrich added, in the Esquire interview. "If you believe that, then yeah, you can run for president."
In the Esquire interview, Marianne also dismisses the conversion to Catholicism during his current, and third, marriage. She said it "has no meaning." 
This is going to get messy and it's going to be fun.


  1. The truth always returns home once someone decides to change it. This traditional family values man has quite a bit of accounting ahead as he faces this reality check. Three wives, two extramarital affairs (that we know about) later, he still has the nerve to denigrate marriage equality as contrary to traditional values. Funny, that's the only type of marriage that he hasn't tried yet.
