Monday, January 9, 2012

Newt the Hut is trying to Swift-Boat Romney

Newt is desperate. After Mittens served this bitch in Iowa, he just can't get over it. So Newt, gets his superPAC to create this foolishness to play in South Carolina.

Here's the trailer


  1. Pot.Kettle.Newt.
    And the irony is that when Mittsy gets the nomination Newt will be out campaigning for him.
    That's speaks volumes.

  2. I predict Romney wins but Huntsman will surge (possibly 2nd)? With Ron Paul also showing well, but Romney's going to get the nomination so I hope the Obama team is doing their homework now - there is plenty to pick from. For a guy who claims to be from the private sector, he's been running (and losing) campaigns for political office ever since 2007.

  3. I read where one of Newt's sugar daddies, I mean SuperPAC's, gave him a few million dollars to continue the campaign. No word on how much of that went to the Tiffany's bill though.

  4. Newt agreed to the super packs and now they have turned on him it's a different story.
