Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mitt Romney's Gay Rights Problem

In 2002, this flyer went out from Romney's office. It just resurfaced reecently and already, the Romney camp is denying it.

But an intern from Romney old campaign says it was real.
The Manhattan Institute's Josh Barro told BuzzFeed he was a college intern for Romney's campaign at the wage of $150 per month and the task of answering mail to Romney's running mate, Kerry Healey.
"On pride weekend, the campaign sent a contingent of about a half-dozen of us to the post-parade festival on Boston Common to hand out those flyers," he said in an email.

"The thing was organized by a full-time staffer," he said, adding that he couldn't recall her name.
Fehrnstorm also denied that Romney had ever supported civil unions saying "He has not been in favor of civil unions, if by civil unions you mean the equivalency to marriage but without the name marriage. What he has favored, and he talked about this, I believe, last night, was a form of domestic partnership or a contractual relationship with reciprocal benefits." 
But that's not true either, another document proved that Romney did support it.
"Gov. Mitt Romney told reporters that he believed a civil unions statute would "be sufficient" to satisfy the justices' concerns. Joining Romney in the call for civil union legislation was Rep. Eugene O'Flaherty, chairman of the House's Committee on the Judiciary."
I have to say that Romney's team is piss poor about this issue. And the funny thing, the Obama campaign is already on this.



  1. Poor Mittsy.
    Another day.
    Another flip.

  2. Mitt Romney will say anything to get elected.

  3. As She-Witch, Christine O'Donnell says "He's Been Consistent Since He Changed His Mind."
