Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Michele Bachmann Ends her Presidential Campaign

The Iron Lady has decided to get real and drop out.
Rep. Michele Bachmann is suspending her presidential campaign, said a senior Republican official with direct knowledge of the lawmaker’s plans.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the Minnesota lawmaker, a favorite of the tea party wing of the party and a harsh critic of President Obama, realized after her sixth-place finish in Iowa’s caucuses that “there was no viable way forward.” By suspending her campaign, Bachmann is effectively dropping out.
Oh well....



  1. She was stupid to think she even had a chance.

  2. There is a god!!!

  3. She'll focus her hate group supporters on Santorum's crowd!
    She isn't gone, she's just changed genders. Santorum is just a male Bachmann.
