Thursday, January 19, 2012

Marianne Gingrich: Newt the Hut wanted an Open Marriage - VIDEO

Newt's Ex-wife is dishing it
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  1. She isn't really saying anything we didn't already know.
    Well, except for that whole open marriage business Newt wanted when he was sleeping with his devout Catholic mistress.

  2. If I were an american,
    I'd rather vote for Jabba the Hut than Newt the Hut...
    Your politics suck!!
    I almost feel sorry for you guys.
    That's until I remember who's on Ottawa and I then start to weep for OUR politics...
    Politics suck!!

  3. The way Newt blasted John King was just horrible. Newt is a liar and when this misguided debate moves north and they are out of their comfort zone it will be a different story.
