Monday, January 2, 2012

A lot of Weird, Unusual Laws are In Effect... Find out what they are - VIDEO

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  1. The Voter ID laws really irk me. It's stated purpose is to prevent fraud. But here's the thing.

    I want everyone to recall the last time you voted, when you went to obtain the ballot. You gave the clerk your name, and then clerk then ANNOUNCED it and another clerk checks it off in a book. Plus you sign a slip with your info on it.

    Kind of hard to perpetrate fraud that way.

    But RI went that way anyhow. I plan to sarcastically ask if it's really necessary for me to show ID when I go to vote. You see, I'm very politically active and well known. I want to see these retarded Voter ID laws challenged and defeated.

  2. I thought JIM CROW was dead?
