Saturday, January 21, 2012

Interesting Quote: Winston Wilde

"I would feel comfortable saying that at least four out of five long-term gay male couples are not monogamous. Monogamy rarely does work for more than two years -- for most straight and bi men, as well."
Winston is a sexologist and a part of this interesting article about non-monogamy in gay relationships.


  1. I'll say this again, being monogamous or non-monogamous, has nothing to do with sexual orientation. It has to do with the person, gay straight male female.
    By this man's logic only women are monogamous, but then who are the straight men cheating with?

  2. Being a real man doesn't mean
    you sleep with 1000 men,
    it means you fight for one man even when
    999 others are chasing you.

  3. I see there are those trying to cosign and give a validation stamp to being a slut while being committed to one person. This is the reason why I say if you want an open relationship do yourselves a favor and just be friends-with-benefits/fuckbuddies to prevent drama and jealousy that always seems to rear its head sooner than later...
