Wednesday, January 18, 2012

In Indiana: The 1st License Plate in the country with feature an LGBT organization

Indiana is stepping up in the LGBT game. They will have the 1st American license plate with a LGBT org. logo on it.
The logo showcases, the Indiana Youth Group, an organization that advocates for diversity and inclusion of LGBT youth.

Good job, Indiana and the Indiana Youth Group!



  1. This is too cool! Indiana leads the way! Of course, now we know what the hot topic will be with the GOP candidates in South Carolina for the rest of this week!

  2. Unless I lived in a gated community I would get a license plate like this but in the free world you are asking for it. The same reason I don't put a sign in my yard ask to who I am I going to vote for either. There are just to many nuts in the world at this present time.

  3. Nice thought but that car will get keyed. Why do you think GBLT members don't sport the rainbow strip on their bumpers these days? All it means is "You're asking for it."
