Tuesday, January 17, 2012

If Tim Tebow endorses a Candidate, 16% will Vote for that person

Sad news in Florida. According to Public Policy Polling, endorsements from Rubio, Tebow and Scoot are important for any of the GOP candidates:

When it comes to endorsements in Florida Rubio>Bush>Tebow>Scott. 40% would be more likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by Rubio compared to 30% for Bush, 16% for Tebow, and 12% for Scott. It says a lot about Rubio's rising stardom that his nod already carries more weight with Florida Republicans than Bush's. Meanwhile it's just another sign of Scott's unpopularity that only 12% of GOP voters would consider his endorsement a positive, while 41% would be less inclined to support a candidate 'graced' with it.

And speaking of Tebow...
if Tim Tebow's flamed out of the NFL by 2014 he may have good job prospects in Florida. His favorability with Republicans there is 73/6 and he trails Rick Scott only 47-26 in a hypothetical primary contest...not a bad place to start for a 24 year old football player.
Sad mess, just sad mess



  1. It's telling that Florida's GOP is willing to follow the wisdom of a false Cuban exile and a false prophet.

  2. He remind me of those guys who stand on the corner and shouts, in my words this guy is a FAKE.
