Thursday, January 12, 2012

Historian Reveals over 100 Photos of Black Gay Couples from the past 150 Years

Historian Trent Kelly has found and collected over 100 photos of Black gay couples from the past 150 years.

Colorlines has a statement from Trent:
Historically, the Afro American gay male and couple has largely been defined by everyone but themselves. Afro American gay men are ignored into nonexistence in parts of black culture and are basically second class citizens in gay culture. The black church which has historically played a fundamental role in protesting against civil injustices toward its parishioners has been want to deny its gay members their right to live a life free and open without prejudice. Despite public projections of a “rainbow” community living together in harmonious co-habitation, openly active and passive prejudices exist in the larger gay community against gay Afro Americans.
This is wonderful and it gives such a rich history of our Black gay culture. Thank you, Trent for gathering this collection.


  1. Some of these guys who are probably long gone I dreamt about. This is awesome!

  2. Thank you so much for this! We have to document our history, and search for moments when it was done so long ago.

  3. What a charming photo. I'd wear that on a tshirt.

  4. Great post Wonder Man for posting and Trent for gathering this! It is about time for people to know that gay Afro American males and females will not be ignored. We are citizens just like everyone else.
