Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Bernice King Surprised Crowd with a LGBT Affirming Speech at a MLK Rally

Out of all MLK's kids, Bernice is well known for being the anti-gay one. She has never been a staunch supporter like her mother. However, Bernice shocked the crowd by giving a LGBT affirming speech yesterday.
In a passionate, sermon-like speech about building unity, King said she didn't care if people were Hindu, Buddhist, Islamist, were from the North side or the South side, were black or white, were “heterosexual or homosexual, or gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender” — that all people were needed to create unity.

LGBT people who attended the rally said they were shocked that King – who has a long anti-gay past — actually acknowledged the community in a public speech, but said they were also glad because it shows people can evolve.

Rev. Maressa Pendermon, a minister with LGBT-inclusive Unity Fellowship Church, said she at first intended to tune out King because of her anti-gay past, but decided to pay attention one more time.

For her father's vision to be realized we've got to come together across boundaries and then she got in preacher mode. Then she said ‘heterosexual or homosexual,’ and then backed up and said ‘lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender.’ We need all of us,” Pendermon said. There's always room for growth,” Pendermon said, describing her reaction to King's words. “People grow and people change. Sometimes we don't let them. I wasn't expecting that. And I was already ready to shut down but I challenged myself to listen and I'm glad I listened.”
I wonder what changed for her? Did Bernice finally understand the true message of her parent's work?



  1. I bet the donations stopped. Now she has a change of heart.

  2. Maybe watching Ms. Eddie in action was the straw that broke the camel's back.

  3. I agree with K. Clark. She was affiliated with Eddie Long's church. That debacle probably proved to her what happens when gay men are supressed. Stupid shit ensues. I'm glad she changed her attitude. Her father would be proud.
