Wednesday, January 4, 2012

5 Issues that may haunt Rick Santorum as the GOP Candidate

Rick Santorum has an ugly background and since he's in the game now, I'm sure these issues will pop up.

Santorum was called out for believing in WMD on FOX NEWS!

Santorum wants to bring back DADT

Santorum's obsession with Gays

Santorum has Black Issues. This is just one, he has claimed that Black folks would learn about marriage through the Obamas, and Obama should be pro-choice because he's Black

Santorum supports Personhood and banning Birth Control. See here in this clip
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  1. He's just the latest Primary Princess.
    Up in the polls because the wacknuts are rallying.
    He'll fall just like all the other loons before him.

  2. Sanitorium is unelectable. It's a matter of time before his "man on dog" comment comes back to bite him in the national media.

  3. Well we all know why he hates Blacks and Gays, his uncle was Mussolini and Mussolini had strong ties to Hitler. So that being said this man just wants to be a dictator. It looks as though the counterfeit Christians are for him.
    The Catholics brought Nazis to America in the 40's and hid them. Santorum is their man.

  4. He called Obama Hitler and Santorum's family had ties to hitler.

  5. Santorum is evil! Ask anyone here in PA, we'll confirm it for you!!! And I agree with Bob, he's the flava of the moment....New Hampshire should deflate Santorum's so-called momentum quite a bit.
