Thursday, December 1, 2011

Students are pissed at FOX 25 for the Witch Hunt on Kevin Hogan

Here's some follow up on this Kevin Hogan/English Teacher-Porn Past/ situation. The students of the High School are pissed at FOX 25:

After being ambushed by Beaudet in a parking lot, Hogan told the reporter that he didn’t know what he was talking about (video inside).  Mystic Valley has placed Hogan, who chairs the school’s English department, on paid leave as it looks into WFXT’s allegations.
Since the story first aired, Beaudet and WFXT have been heavily criticized by students at the school, who have banded together in support of Hogan.

On Twitter, Beaudet asked Mystic Valley students for their response to his story. Here’s what one student tweeted back…

Another student tweeted at Beaudet: “Hogan is the best thing that has happened to my crew team. Students now have more respect for him due to what you did #thanks”
“It’s not like he was doing anything illegal,” one student tweeted, “he shouldn’t get fired.”
“Reporters are so fucking annoying,” tweeted another student.
More support for Kevin is pouring in. However, FOX 25 and the Witch Hunter Mike Beaudet have become very offensive. Here's Mike defending his reasons

Mass. teacher who starred in porn movies center of debate:

I hope Kevin doesn't lose his job.

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