Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Shock Jock Michael Savage Offers Newt Gingrich $1 Million to get Out of the Race

Drama alert! You know it's bad when you own folks turn against you. And this piece of news is just too sweet. Conservative radio host Michael Savage offers a million dollars to Newt to quit the Presidential race:
In a statement on SAVAGE's website, the host says that only GINGRICH and MITT ROMNEY have a chance to win the GOP nomination, and "while it's true that ROMNEY is not as strong a conservatibe as many would like him to be, the most pressing issue before AMERICA today is defeating BARACK OBAMA, and that is something NEWT GINGRICH cannot do."  

Enumerating seven reasons GINGRICH is "unelectable" (he didn't deliver on the "Contract with AMERICA," he appeared with NANCY PELOSI in ads about global warming, he favors amnesty for illegal immigrants, he took donations from FANNIE MAE and FREDDIE MAC, he "cheated on two wives." he called the Republican Medicare plan "right wing social engineering," and he will lose in debates with OBAMA because he will look like "nothing more than what he is: a fat, old, white man," SAVAGE concludes that ROMNEY is "the only candidate with a chance of defeating BARACK OBAMA."
And there's more to come. Many GOPers are no fans of Newt the Hut. Expect to see more conservatives to speak out about this. 


1 comment:

  1. Is that Mike Savage?? He looks like shit! Racism will do this to your looks.
