Sunday, December 11, 2011

Rick 'Jethro' Perry wants a Constitutional Amendment for Prayer in Schools


  1. I happen to believe that Rick Perry will NOT be President.

    His suggestion of a Constitutional Amendment regarding prayer, that completely violates the 1st Amendment.

  2. This whole issue about prayer in schools is bupkus. Children can pray in schools! What can't happen is a teacher or school official leading, persuading or compelling students to pray or other religious activity like reading from the Bible, Koran or whatever Holy Book or scripture you like. As long as the child initiates it themselves they are free to pray all they want to. What it seems Perry wants is to force his personal religious beliefs on all children, in all schools across the country. Which is wrong and what the separation of church and state as well as the first ammendment was made to protect us from.

    They need to stop saying prayer isn't allowed in school's that a boldfaced lie. What's not allowed in schools is the indoctrination of children into others personal religious beliefs.
