Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rev. Mark Harris was a 'Civil' Marriage Debate in North Carolina

The Leader of the Hate Crusade in North Carolina thinks it would great if they had a civil debate over marriage.
The Rev. Mark Harris, president of the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, told The Charlotte Observer he understands the question is an emotional one.

But Harris said he thinks both sides can respectfully argue their cases.

Harris was elected to a one-year term last month. The convention represents roughly 4,300 churches and some 1.3 million members in North Carolina.Voters will decide in May whether the state constitution should be amended to ban same-sex marriage. Not all Christian leaders are in favor of the idea.
Interesting, he thinks a nice little debate should happen. Sure, let's debate about discrimination and hate. Let's talk about how people's rights should be voted on and possibly taken away.

Yeah Mark, let's see how that this debate will be 'civil'.


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