Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Question of the Day

People are saying this fake cover is a form of bullying. Do you think that's true? Please share your opinions.


  1. How is it any different than calling some high school kid gay in public, as some sort of pseudo-derogatory bullying?

  2. Yellow journalism? Yes. Bullying? No.

  3. I like to hear what Lautner thinks? Some evil queen is behind this because he got rejected. He can sue.

  4. I think it's bullying. Cyber Bullying. It's basically the same type of witch hunt the media has done on gay & lesbian entertainers... basically always threatening to out them.
    Basically, this man should be allowed to come out in his own time... if he's gay, and if he comes out.
    And that photoshopped cover is NOT journalism.
